Utah Workshop 202103171609

 6th July 2021 at 12:16am
Word Count: 209

This project will research and examine a topic related to climate change through the exploration of public domain visual resources.

  • Visual research and intuitive making will lead to formal experiment, meaning making, and poster design.
  • To start, please go through Project Drawdown's Solutions and find something that interests you.
  • Conduct research on-line to help inform this project. Dig into whichever solution you choose from project DrawDown — what else can you learn? what is there to draw design ideas from?
  • Collecting reusable graphics from the provided free-use sources that you somehow decide relate. What signs, symbols, images, etc. allow for metaphor and new meaning to be unvcoverd?
  • You may free-associate and/or stray somewhat from your original subject as the project evolves.
  • The goal is to reconsider our relationship to a thing or experience that perhaps seemed familiar in one context, and explore its application to design and culture in a new context.


An experimental, expressive graphic exploration that responds to the source material: Drawdown.org

  • Slideshow with bibliography
  • 20 experimental compositions, explore type only, image only and type and image combined

(WK1 & WK2)


Two posters that create a dialogue about your topic and that challenge your audience to think critically.

  • 2 printed or animated posters, sized to your discretion.
  • Each poster must use:
    • a grid
    • 3 levels of hierarchy including a heading
    • 200 words of text
    • at least one image.

What all of this means of course is up to you: the size, grid, etc. should all make sense based on your approach... how can you "make meaning" through selecting these design elements – not just through your text/image choices?

(WK3 & WK4)

Assigned Mar 23, due Mar 30:


Research & Collection

Collect ideas and references from the reading; Collect visuals from recommended sources; Collect other information as needed.

Deliverables: slideshow with bibliography of sources

  1. Read Through Project Drawdown's table of solutions.
    • Choose a solution that interests you.
      • Skim across the solutions, and once you pick one that interests you, please read your chosen section carefully.
      • What else can you then go and find about this solution?
        • where is it done? who is doing it? is this pragmatic today? what new opportunities does this create? what changes in society/culture are required? what new thinking is necessary? what does this extend or enhance? what else does this amputate or deprecate?
  2. Create a typology study:
    • Make a list of 10 key words that describe your solution, or that you find otherwise important or related.
    • Find 3 aphorisms or quotes that describe something about the solution beyond what's on Project Drawdown's site.
    • Look at free/libre/opensource/creative commons/public domain resources and collect images, illustrations, diagrams, patterns, etc that you think can illustrate the chosen solution.
      • What literal objects represent your solution?
      • What metaphors apply to your solution?
      • What possible allusions can you make in design, art, architecture, literature, history, anthropology, economics, etc, to your solution?
      • What personal influences and interests would you like to combine with your solution?
    • Present your research and typology collections as a PDF slide show.
      • To Include: your drawdown solution selection, your words, your found aphorisms or quotes, and your image research.
      • The last page should be a bibliography of your sources.

Assigned Mar 30, due April 6:


Formal experimentation

An experimental, expressive graphic exploration that responds to and expands on your selected

  1. Based on your research and collecting from WK1, please create 20 experimental compositions
    • Make 20 square collages using whatever tools work for you.
    • Explore the form-making potential of the words, aphorisms, and images you have gathered by manipulating type and image.
    • Consider both analog and digital manipulation of letterforms and images.
      • How does the meaning of words change if you use a different typeface?
      • How do the compositions communicate your specific interpretation of the topic?
      • How can you use type and image to communicate spatial relationships and environments? Consider shadow, plane, perspective, overlay and depth.
    • Go wild with experimentation! What you can do to alter an image or typeface?
      • Abstract, make it modular, texturize, pattern, cut, tear, float, fold, frame, mask, project, adorn, alter...
        • These are not precious
        • Be un-selfconcious
        • work fast and try disparate directions.
    • Present compositions

Assigned April6, due April 13:


  1. Create a poster diptych.
    • Make two posters that express different aspects of your topic. The points of view can be complementary or contrasting.
    • Build on your experimental compositions. Discover coincidences — both visual and language-based.
      • Is there a composition that could be used as a grid for one or more of the posters?
      • Could you combine two or more of the compositions?
      • Have you discovered a certain technique that you want to replicate in the posters?
    • Requirements:
      • Use a grid!
      • Poster must have 3 levels of hierarchy and include a heading
      • use at least 200 words of text and at least one image
    • The definition for what a "poster" is can be variable: a traditional poster? small? giant? a billboard? a building? a website? animation? a wind turbine? video? app? what is a poster for and how does a different medium or framework still do that?
    • Speculate what materials or processes your poster should use > is your topic direct air capture of carbon dioxide? what do we do with the resulting stored carbon so that it is sequestered? can it be used as a printing medium for a poster!? Think about the solution you've chosen from Drawdown, and how does that influece your understanding of what a poster is and how you should hypothetically make your poster.

April 13:


  1. Critique
    • Posters due
      • Present however necessary for your poster concepts.
    • Turn in Final Documentation?
      • include all the materials you created over the course of this project.

reference/the past: 020210311131133 Entry & Utah Workshop 202103111331


Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.