WK1 020210311151503 Entry

 6th July 2021 at 12:16am
Word Count: 273


Research & Collection

Collect ideas and references from the reading; Collect visuals from recommended sources; Collect other information as needed.

Deliverables: slideshow with bibliography of sources

  1. Read Through Project Drawdown's table of solutions.
    • Choose a solution that interests you.
      • Skim across the solutions, and once you pick one that interests you, please read your chosen section carefully.
      • What else can you then go and find about this solution?
        • where is it done? who is doing it? is this pragmatic today? what new opportunities does this create? what changes in society/culture are required? what new thinking is necessary? what does this extend or enhance? what else does this amputate or deprecate?
  2. Create a typology study:
    • Make a list of 10 key words that describe your solution, or that you find otherwise important or related.
    • Find 3 aphorisms or quotes that describe something about the solution beyond what's on Project Drawdown's site.
    • Look at free/libre/opensource/creative commons/public domain resources and collect images, illustrations, diagrams, patterns, etc that you think can illustrate the chosen solution.
      • What literal objects represent your solution?
      • What metaphors apply to your solution?
      • What possible allusions can you make in design, art, architecture, literature, history, anthropology, economics, etc, to your solution?
      • What personal influences and interests would you like to combine with your solution?
    • Present your research and typology collections as a PDF slide show.
      • To Include: your drawdown solution selection, your words, your found aphorisms or quotes, and your image research.
      • The last page should be a bibliography of your sources.


Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.