020210710153230 Ideas

 12th July 2021 at 1:20pm
Word Count: 122
Written from
?, CT, Our car on CT state highway 15 heading north

how to get rid of automobiles? What is the point of "personal" mobility? why should something like a car be an individually owned conveyance? why can't we see how useful collectively owning a fleet of robot cars could be? why not no cars? What is the advantage of a car? why cars? who benefits from me owning a car? how might we maximize that benefit to more people? does this network of roads do aything useful? do more roads make us better as a people or worse? what if you couldn't just hopin your car and drive whereeer you wanted? what would you do then?

Why am I so against cars these days? I used to like cars so much.

Modified This Day:


    Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.