020210621234845 Ideas

 21st June 2021 at 11:58pm
Word Count: 194
Written from
Baltimore, Maryland, Dining Table

Continue from 020210620224253 Ideas

I want to sustain reducing energy consumption. I want to sustain dynamic, resilient habitats. I want to sustain that the Chesapeake bay is habitable by all kinds of creature, that people can utilize it recreationally?

I want to sustain reading books; drinking pleasantly perfectly plain pilsners; enjoying coffee; different cultures; all purpose bicycles.

I want to get rid of individually owned automobiles, gasoline, enriched foods, soy everything.

I want to sustain helping people; improving life expectancy everywhere; innovating energy creation and storage; what happens in a meadow as dusk; walks in the woods; sunsets in state parks.

Who owns this land if we don't? can I make my tiny piece of private land a commons again? what happened to the commons? why is individual ownership of everything seen as superior? who does that benefit? I don't feel like it benefits me – and yet – I'm terrible at sharing and collaborating and collectively owning things...

I want to sustain DOING SOMETHING about what I think needs doing. So, writing things down, trying to be helpful, making some more tutorials and explainer videos? How does this play out longer term?

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      Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.