Technology & Tools

 25th June 2021 at 1:15am
Word Count: 145

Computers and software are just tools. Contemporary technological tools are no different than an x-acto knife: no one tool is usable for everything; and, tools take practice and thoughtfulness to be used well. We have reached a quantity and Complexity of available tools where no single person can master all instruments. Designers should pick tools that offer the most future possibilities, not just the best short term outcomes. This is an important part of teaching in the “new media” sphere: not mastering all options, but sussing out what is important long term. A good teacher focuses on design concepts that are applicable to a wide range of tools and processes, not just to what the newest technological trend is. Learning technology (learning tools generally) should be seen as a way to illustrate and enhance design fundamentals, not just a merit badge to be earned.



Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.