New Design Commons related notes, Everything is a Remix notes too

 14th March 2023 at 2:33pm
Word Count: 819

There is not much new in this talk, but I hope to have remixed it enough (Everything is a Remix)

I am worried … (Adobe/Venezuela) I am concerned that my tools can be turned off. (Adobe/Figma) I am concerned that any nw tool I enjoy will be gobbled up. (Adobe/Rings of Power) I am concerned that the makers of my tools care about nothing but money.

Intellectual Enclosure

Cultural production is no a zero sum game.

Cultural Appropriation

There is an element of exploitation to all creativity. To appropriate is to take w/out permission

Three things you should do (to keep from culturally appropriating):

  1. Credit: Always credit
  2. Be extra careful when your intent is primarily commercial or attention-seeking or money-making or to get views... (then do more research, engage with communities, be more careful and considerate)
  3. if you love it, its not appropriation!

These are from Everything is a Remix too?

Copying is the wellspring of all creativity. Why do we hate copiers so much?

Familiar vs. Novel

New media created from old media = a remix.

Copy, Transform, Combine

The new is clearly comprised of the old.

And this is how everything works. Not just remixing, these are the basic elements of all creativity

If you accept/agree that “Everything is a Remix” (Kirby Fergesun)then we need to make sure that our classrooms are an open place for this to conitnue. "Nothing is origina" says Kirby Fergesun. From Bob Dylan to Steve Jobs, our most celebrated creators borrow and steal and transform. (ETISR)

More and more I see academic journals and book publishers adopting various kinds of open access content licenses. Valiz, a lot of cc non commercial, non derivative

this as least makes sharing a distributing knowledge and ideas better but without the derivative, without getting to remix the thing, this isn't free for remix, this is not free culture, just ???

I don't want to talk about software, I don't want to talk about licences. I want to talk about cultural resources that belong to all of us.




Mr. Keedy talks about a Global Style, a sort of affected modernism that now adorns all sorts of (in partiuclar cultural) instituion around the globe. I don't desire this sameness is this because of the tools? is this intellectual enclosure? Is this stylistic colonization of our techno-social overlords?

A commons to me is a place where yes, ideas may spread across culture, across socio-economic divide, sometimes may be appropriated, but the point is necessity, quality, love, new metaphor, doing something new, expanding knowledge. (Kirby Fergeson? Remix? Copy/Transform/Combine?)

Collaborate More, Share more

How to write The Four Freedoms except with a focus on cultural content, on cultural production?

Professors, students, we can share and dig more learn from each other and build on the shoulders of giants.

Don't want to los the trail of authorship. On the contrary, I'd hope this would make it more likely and easier to track ideas as thelineage doesn't need to be seen as secret. CCSA4

so this talk, this essay, the words are in a text file and its all CCSA. The slides are on penpot (links?) and anyone can fork and edit.

Share Alike: you can use this however you want as long as you can say where it came from ad

Stop hording your content. Are you really concerned with someone taking your syllabi and your projects? Minor form of intellectual turmoil?

An informal intellectual commons

Vernacular: How Buildings Learn

Same process as open source software. Many eyes make light work (ala, Eric Raymond and The Cathedral and the Bazaar). Rapid iteration and prototyping and error finding and fixing. The right person to find problems and the best person to solve problems aren't likely the same person (again, more TCATB reference). Stewart Brand and his “satisfice” ideas. Stewart Brand describes the maintaining and building and renovating overtime of buildings in his book...

Do you want the metaverse really? do you want corporate controlled augmented reality life? what do you want?

Open tools and open culture

Dunne and Raby "Against the status quo"

if the status quo is proprietary tools and intellectual enclosure, then to design alternatives to that we need a critical praxis: Use liberated tools and resources from the world of free culture — and then KEEP them free, don't also enclose them ala Disney.


Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.