Example: Green Acres

 30th September 2021 at 1:45am
Word Count: 156

Green Acres: Artists Farming Fields, Greenhouses, and Abandoned Lots was a book I worked on with my friend and curator Sue Spaid, for the Contemporary Art Center in Cincinnati, OH. Green Acres featured artists using farming as their art practice.

The goal: make the resultant book "sustainable." These were sustainability focused artists, how could I represent their ecological inventiveness in a printed book? The things that made the production of this book "sustainable" were that it was printed on demand, and used recycled, unbleached paper.

Visually, the book's design was meant to be _critical_; the juxtaposition of small art farm graphics vs. giant commercial farm references via a constrained square grid and the aerial commercial farmland photography. (» Critical Design)

While the book intends to say something different, it conforms to common standards of "good" modernist layout. Other than a minor production method improvement, it's the same … ! Is it Sustainable Graphic Design?


Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.