020210702005437 Ideas

 2nd July 2021 at 1:02am
Word Count: 166
Written from
Baltimore, Maryland, Living Room Floor

John Ehrenfeld states in the book FlourishingThe key to doing something about sustainability is that you first have to say what you want to sustain.” Ehrenfeld wants to sustain that “all humans and other life should flourish” (pg 23). Using Ehrenfeld’s thinking, Sustainable Graphic Design is design made for clients that believe all life should flourish, design made to promote messages about sustainability-as-flourishing, and design made with materials and processes that promote and sustain the state of flourishing too.

Graphic designers are form makers. Sustainable graphic designers must make formal decisions. How does the sustainable designer concern themselves with the forms and aesthetics of a solution? Are there visual choices that are more sustainable? What form says “I believe that humans and all life should flourish?” Are aesthetics as they relate to sustainability even important?


What do you want to sustain?

How does this question influence one's designing? are there materials that then one can't use? how about power sources?


Sentences, Paragraphs and More on Sustainability, Open Source, Design, and how Everything is Connected in general.